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Item # 14109 1/144 GM FM-2 (U.S. NAVY WILDCAT)
"FM-2 & Flight Deck(WITH ELEVATOR) Set"
1 aircraft, 1 Flight deck and 8 cats crew in a box
$16.00 Retail

GM FM-2 (U.S. NAVY WILDCAT) Finely molded parts; 0.3 mm thin clear canopy, housing a complete engine, landing gear structure, drop tanks. High quality decal, the markings for eighteen FM-2 Wildcats, printed by CARTOGRAF in Italy, Colorful marking guide included. Molded in Light Gray. Exquisite detail, recessed panel lines and rivets. Finely molded FLIGHT DECK (WITH ELEVATOR) Size; 4" X 4 .25" The bases depicts the elevator section of the flight deck. It depicts WW II U.S. Navy Escort Carrier "Casablanca Class." Molded in Light Gray plastic. Exquisite recessed details. The wheel chokes and a parachute pack are included.


Only one aircraft and one flight deck base included in this product.
The aircraft marking in this photo is from Ghost Fighter #14108


8 Cat crews included.

The decal for 16 aircraft markings.

ROYAL NAVY Wildcat, Martlet Mk. VI and Cat Deck Crew Figures. a
built by Marcel Meres from Slovakia

Click photo for larger images.

Marcel Meres's Notes 1

Marcel Meres's Notes 2

Marcel Meres from Slovakia sent us the photos of these great ROYAL NAVY Wildcat models.
Keep up the good work Marcel,
Thank you!


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